

We build a supportive culture of pride, fulfillment, and a sense of belonging for all, while becoming the best place to work, learn and grow. We also deepen our relationships with the communities we serve and innovatively address the most pressing community health needs. We achieve this by:

  • Supporting the career development of all team members
  • Fostering a culture of “yes” and innovation
  • Creating a workforce that is diverse and inclusive and resembles the communities we serve
  • Opening new community-based neighborhood clinics and outreach sites that address our community’s needs

Community News

Community Centers

Blue Ridge Mountains

Community Outreach & Engagement

Community Outreach and Engagement is a long-standing part of the UVA Comprehensive Cancer Center, with almost two decades of commitment to the community and ensuring access to effective cancer control strategies to improve the lives of residents and cancer patients throughout our catchment area regardless of distance, insurance, or poverty status.

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Flowers cascading over wall on UVA Grounds

Center for Health Humanities & Ethics

The UVA Center for Health Humanities & Ethics is a diverse interprofessional community of scholars, teachers, and practitioners whose interests in the human dimensions of illness, health, and health care bridge clinical and social sciences, arts and humanities, ethics and law, philosophy and religion.

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400 University Ave. The Corner Building Charlottesville, VA

Center for Global Health Equity

The University of Virginia’s Center for Global Health Equity promotes health in resource-limited settings by fostering the commitment of students, faculty and partners from many disciplines to support health for all.

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Fontaine Research Park, Charlottesville VA

Center for Leading Edge Addiction Research

The University of Virginia’s Center for Leading Edge Addiction Research or CLEAR clinic is the site of ongoing research studies on substance abuse for the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences’ Division of Neurobiological Studies.

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Blue Ridge Mountains

Blue Ridge Poison Center

The Blue Ridge Poison Center (BRPC) is staffed by nurses and doctors specially trained to handle exposures to all sorts of poisons, including: medicines, plants, household products, industrial chemicals, snake bites, carbon monoxide, and more.

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Autumn leaves in Virginia, USA

Wisdom Through Adversity

At UVA, we are exploring the nature of wisdom and human adaptation to adversity in the context of patient experiences living with chronic pain and physician responses in the aftermath of serious medical error.

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Community Education

Rotunda Illustration

Center for Appreciative Practice

Center for Appreciative Practice faculty—passionate, exceptional clinicians and academics from all walks of life—are devoted practitioners, teachers, mentors and scholars.

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Students taking part in educational sessions at the UVA Mini-Medical School

Mini-Medical School

Do you want to learn how doctors think and try your hand at diagnostic reasoning? Visit a medical research lab where scientists are finding new ways to improve health? Listen to a patient talk about how a chronic disease affects one’s life?

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UVA School of Medicine medical education building

The Mulholland Society

The Mulholland Society serves as the coherent student voice. We endeavor to promote the various interests and concerns of all medical students to the faculty and staff of the Health System.

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