
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Mission Statement

UVA Food Pharmacy

The Division of Nephrology is dedicated to elevating patient care through prompt, respectful healthcare access, fostering an inclusive environment with equitable access to support services, championing recruitment from diverse backgrounds, and the continued education of our Nephrology Fellows.


The Division of Nephrology and the Center for Immunity, Inflammation, and Regenerative Medicine emphasize that diversity, equity, and inclusion are crucial in our endeavor to provide exceptional care for patients with kidney diseases. This dedication reflects our commitment to excellence in patient care, research, and education.

Kidney diseases disproportionately affect individuals of color. Notably, Black or African Americans and Latinx confront a significantly increased risk of kidney failure relative to white individuals. In Central Virginia alone, Black or African Americans constitute close to half of all kidney failure patients.

Numerous risk factors, such as diabetes and hypertension, contribute to the prevalence of kidney disease. When it comes to transplantation—a life-saving treatment—minorities encounter considerable barriers. This leads to longer average wait times, reduced chances of receiving transplant evaluations, decreased survival prospects on the waitlist, and lower graft and patient survival post-transplant.

Vision Statement

Guided by a commitment to serve and uplift vulnerable communities, the Division of Nephrology envisions:

  • A division and Center rich in diversity, both in faculty and trainees.
  • Compassionate, tailored care for the elderly battling kidney disease.
  • Equitable training opportunities for nephrology fellows (MD, MBBS, and DO).
  • Removing barriers to transplantation to ensure equal care provision.
  • Widespread, equitable access to home dialysis therapies.
  • Ensuring food, medication, and transportation security for all patients.
  • Fostering cultural competency in healthcare by delivering inclusive patient care.

Committee Members

Upcoming Events


  • UVA Food Pharmacy. Under the leadership of Leslie McPhatter Assistant Clinical Nutrition Manager – Renal Nutrition we continue underpinning our unwavering commitment to our patients, the UVA Dialysis Program launched an onsite Food Pharmacy in March 2020. This initiative, fueled by a generous grant from the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank (BRAFB), was designed to enhance our patients’ access to kidney-friendly, nutritious food.
  • As of July 2023, our food pharmacy seeks continued funding to maintain its valuable services. Currently, it caters to approximately 300 patients across 6 of our 12 dialysis units. The enduring aim is to broaden this service to all our dialysis units, as food insecurity continues to be a significant challenge for many of our patients. Our ongoing dedication to patient welfare drives this effort, underlining our commitment to offering comprehensive care that addresses not just medical needs, but also nutritional wellbeing. This year the Division of Nephrology/CIIR through an endowment from the Ralph Cohen Fund provided a major gift to the Food Pharmacy Program.


  • UVA Kidney Disease Screening Awareness Program hosts free kidney screening event - Click Image to View Video

  • Kidney Group
