
Christ Lab


george-christ-200x200The Laboratory of Regenerative Therapeutics at the University of Virginia is an interdisciplinary, translational research enterprise. Our mission is to leverage Cross Grounds collaborations to develop novel and more efficacious regenerative medicine/tissue engineering technologies for unmet medical needs. Our collaborative team has expertise ranging from the genetic to the molecular, cellular, tissue and organs levels, including development of biologically relevant preclinical animal models and experience with IND submission for gene transfer and tissue engineering technologies. While we have broad interest and experience in striated and smooth muscle physiology and pharmacology, our major current focus is on musculoskeletal tissue engineering and regeneration. In particular, we are developing a technology platform for the treatment of volumetric muscle loss (VML) injuries. We also endeavor to develop new biomaterials for enhanced muscle regeneration and neural innervation (click here for current position openings at UVA as well as link to Biofabrication Symposium). Our translational research efforts are enhanced by our close integration/interaction with clinicians, most notably, the Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery.


Box 800759
Charlottesville, VA 22908

Office: Room 1133
(P) 434-924-5794

Lab: Room 1131, 1137
(P) 434-924-5793

Orthopaedic Research Laboratories
B Level of Cobb Hall, UVA.

Office B057C
(P) 434-924-0682

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